About Me

Unconventional Online Therapist NY, FL  pointing right

I’m Kelly (she/her/hers)- The Unexpected Therapist. I work primarily with LGBTQIA+ and other non-conventional individuals/lifestyles who are struggling with: living authentically, gender and sexual identities, other identity concerns, transitions in life, relational concerns, job issues, feeling unfulfilled, looking to learn and grow as a human…

Looking for my own therapist I would never come across anyone that I felt would really “get me”- that I would really vibe with.

This was pretty disheartening considering research continues to indicate our engagement with our therapist is still the best indicator of therapeutic progress.

I also found that as a therapist I tended to work best with unconventional individuals, primarily LGBTQIA+ and that they tended to gravitate towards me as well.

Many times clients would tell me they had seen another therapist but it just hadn’t worked out and it seemed pretty clear we would agree, that this had to do with my being less traditional and not quite what my clients had expected.

That I was not a stuffy boring therapist robot- but instead a human with personality, sass and a great sense of humor! :)

I have found from over ten years working as a therapist to present day that every time someone inquires about my profession and I tell them I’m a therapist- they seem rather shocked that I could be a therapist and guess professions quite the opposite-as if a therapist “should” look another way or “should” be another way (read: some societal construct they’ve picked up in which a therapist is drab and zzz).

That someone at the top of their class rankings with two Master’s degrees, who has worked in many varied clinical settings and who is obsessed with continuing education courses/trainings (currently have over 200 of the about 45 required per every 3yrs)- “must” not be like ME. (hmph!)

So I became the therapist I could never find !

As well as a therapist seeking to help end the pervasive stigmas in society about what therapy and therapists “should” be and end the shame and idea of weakness sometimes attached to seeking therapy when in reality

helping ourselves and evolving is a lifelong process and should be commended as the strength that it is!

To normalize the process of learning and growing as humans which is what the process of therapy is all about. It’s not the big, scary monster or repulsive bad word that some still think it is.

Therapists- they’re just like us! Therapy- a normal process of learning and growing as humans! Who knew?!

I work with my clients on:

making the unconscious (which is 95-97% and runs us on autopilot) conscious;

on the engrained mindsets we have crammed into our heads via society all day every day;

on changing the internalized negative thoughts and stigmas we have about ourselves that society has basically brainwashed us with without us realizing.

We work on increasing insight and awareness so that you can learn how to navigate the world a bit differently in a way that feels more life promoting for you.

We work on rewiring our brain via learning and practice so that we can think and therefore feel differently.

We learn, unlearn and relearn. We work on becoming more aware of what thoughts and patterns we have that are impacting how we feel and how we act and react.

We work on becoming more aware of the impact society, culture and subcultures have had on us all since we were born to present day and how that shows up;

and we will work on empowerment and resilience to stand strong as our true authentic selves regardless of what comes our way.

If you are struggling especially as an LGBTQIA+ or otherwise non-conventional identifying individual and feel stuck or feel like things are going left with yourself, your life, transitions in life, your identity/authentic self, your relationships with friends, family, partner/s, your job- if you feel like you could make some changes and could use some support in working on making these shifts to feel more happy and fulfilled with your life-try a free consult if you think we could be a match.

<3 Let’s do this ish!!! <3

EMAIL for free consult : Kelly@TheUnexpectedTherapist.com

Fine Print, (but that you can read):

I am a licensed psychotherapist in the state of NY and I am also licensed to provide telehealth in the state of FL. I am an LMHC(Licensed Mental Health Counselor) with over 10yrs working as a therapist, two Master’s degrees and I have also worked in the past doing clinical research briefly as well as worked intentionally in a very varied number of clinical settings.

I am an Aquarius, I live in NYC and have an obsession with dogs as well as with continuing to learn and grow as a human esp via the numerous clinical, evidence-based courses and trainings I take- for my clients as well as for myself.

I practice what I preach including but not limited to all that I learn as well as in self care and a work/life balance. So when I’m not working or taking a clinical course I’m likely hangin with my rescue dog Baby Larry, spending time with loved ones or just livin liiifeeee doin something else I enjoy and have fun with :)

EMAIL for free consult : Kelly@TheUnexpectedTherapist.com

“You are only free when you realize you belong no place- you belong every place- no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.”

— Dr. Maya Angelou